Frequently Asked Questions

What are the deadlines for entry?
What qualifies for a Gracie?
What do I need to be able to submit an entry?
The categories seem different this year. What has changed?
What are the prices to enter? Can I get a discount?
I want to pay by check.
I need to edit my entry but I’ve already paid.
Can I enter the same show multiple times in the same category?

Can non-English entries and/or those produced outside of North America be submitted for the Gracie Awards?
The entry form seems different this year. What has changed?

What are the deadlines for entering?
Early bird deadline for entries is December 12, 2024 (11:59pm ET), the regular deadline is January 30, 2025 (11:59pm ET), and the extended deadline is February 6, 2025 (11:59pm ET). Entries must be complete, and payment received by 11:59pm ET on February 6, 2025, to be considered for judging. Edits may be made to submitted entries up to the final entry deadline.

What qualifies for a Gracie?
– Judges are looking for outstanding programming or individual achievement by, for, OR about women in television, radio and digital media. Entries must fall into at least one category but may fall into more than one category.

– The entry must have been originally broadcast, or will be broadcast, between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024.

– In the Digital Media category, the entry should be originally created for online distribution. (Note: re-purposed content originally created for television or radio is not eligible as a Digital Media entry.)

What is needed to submit an entry?
A clip or a compilation of audio or video clips or links are required to upload into the entry software, no trailers. There is no longer a limit on the number of clips allowed per entry; previously, submissions were limited to a maximum of three. Clips can be submitted as a continuous reel or as separate individual clips. You may also provide a web link to your clip. Please note that judges will not be required to watch more than 15 minutes per entry.

  • Links MUST BE active for one year. If your link is expired at the time of judging, it will not be judged.
  • Acceptable clip files are MP4 and MOV files less than 1.95 GB.
  • Acceptable audio files must be an MP3 or M4A file less than 60 MB.

If supplying a password protected link, make sure you supply the password on the entry form. For questions or trouble uploading, contact

If you choose to upload a full episode, time stamps of the preferred portion of the show must be included in the timestamp section of the entry form. If time stamps are not included, judges will choose what portion to watch, or the entry may not be judged.

The categories seem different this year. What has changed?

Leaders in television, radio and digital media review all categories and made additions/modifications when appropriate.

New/Updated Categories for 2025

  • New Category – Podcast Writer (Digital Media)
  • New Category – Audiobook Individual- Narrator/Producer (Digital Media)
  • New Category – Women’s Health News Feature/Series (Television Local)
  • Updated Category – Video Podcast creators should consider entering in the Original Online Programming- Standalone Video or Video Series category (Digital Media).

What are the prices to enter? Are discounts available?
Prices are as follows:

  • National/Syndicated: $270 Early Rate, $320 Regular Rate, $370 Extended Rate
  • Local: $210 Early Rate, $260 Regular Rate, $310 Extended Rate
  • Student: $50 Early Rate, $75 Regular/Extended Rate

Discounts are available to select sponsors and Honorary Trustee companies. To receive the lowest rate possible, submit and pay for entries by the early bird deadline of December 12, 2024 (11:59pm ET). Submission fees are non-refundable.

Can payment be made by check?
If the total investment of all Gracie entries submitted exceeds $1,000 as shown in the awards software, an option will be available to print an invoice to send in with a check. Payment must be received by January 30, 2025 for entries to be judged. If the total amount due is less than $1,000, a credit card payment through the awards software is required. Please contact with any questions.

Can edits be made to an entry after payment is made?
Yes, edits can be made to entries including submitted entries until the program is locked for judging after the final entry deadline. To make edits, log into the account created and click the entry requiring edits. For questions, contact

Can the same show or individual be entered multiple times in the same category?
The categories that apply to a show as a whole (i.e. News Program, Comedy, Public Service Announcement) or to a person (i.e. Producer, Co-Host, On-Air Talent), may be entered only once per individual or show. For example, multiple hosts of the same talk show may be submitted separately as entries under “host,” however each individual person may only be submitted to win the host category once. The categories that apply to a segment of a show/program (hard news feature, soft news feature, interview etc.) may be entered multiple times by the same show with different segments as entries. For questions, please contact

Can non-English entries and/or those produced outside of North America be submitted for the Gracie Awards?
Yes, non-English and entries produced outside North America are eligible to be entered for the Gracie Awards. All entries must be submitted in English or accompanied by English subtitles or transcripts. For questions, please contact

The entry forms seems different this year. What has changed?
A section to enter Timestamps has been added to all entry forms. This section should be used when the media provided is a full-length episode. Otherwise, it is not required. For questions, please contact