It’s a tough job – but someone’s gotta do it

Applications are being accepted to be a Judge for the 2025 Gracie Awards. Please email with questions.

Apply Today

For more five decades, the AWM Foundation has been a leader in acknowledging content creators making exemplary contributions to the industry. Gracies judges hold one of the most important roles in evaluating content from an outstanding cross-section of media companies and individuals.

The Gracies annually honor exemplary programming and individual achievement that is by, for and about women.

The AWMF leadership seeks qualified applicants to participate in person and/or virtually in the Gracies selection process, and by doing so are able to critique some of the year’s top programs and performances and network with industry peers.

Qualified candidates are typically individuals working in television, radio and digital media both in front of and behind the camera and microphone. Judges will be selected based on an evaluation of the criteria met along with resume/bio ensuring an appropriate balance of medias and experience. Please note that in-person judging opportunities are limited and judges will be selected for in-person judging based on experience while maintaining a balance of media represented (i.e., a mix of radio, television, and digital media experience) to form judging groups.

We encourage all Gracies judges to become members of AWM, if they are not already, in order to stay connected with our community and enjoy a growing range of member benefits year-round.

While judging is a volunteer activity and no compensation is offered, fully participating in the judging process entitles you to a half-off regular rate ticket to either The Gracies Gala in Beverly Hills or the Gracies Luncheon in New York (tickets are non-transferrable).

Please contact with questions.